13-01-2015: Core Spring Course - Helsinki

Core Spring Course (4 days)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, January 16, 2015 - 17:00
Become a SpringSource Certified Spring Professional
In this course, students build a Spring- powered JEE application that demonstrates the Spring Framework in an intensely productive, hands-on exercise. Completion of this course gives participants the opportunity to take a SpringSource Certified Professional Exam.

Software developers and architects who are interested in Spring


We assume that participants have a good understanding of the core Java APIs , as well as a basic knowledge of general concepts like J2EE APIs such as JTA and the Servlet API. As we cover object- relational mapping technologies ( ORM ) we also assume basic knowledge of ORM concepts.


This course is 40% theory and 60% exercises.
In order to benefit from the course, you need a computer. 


Core Spring includes

  • Spring Lightweight Container Architecture , including Inversion of Control
  • Agile design techniques with Spring
  • Effective JDBC and Hibernate data access
  • Declarative transaction management
  • Pragmatic AOP
  • Unit testing in isolation
  • Fast integration test
  • Introduction to " Spring Web "
  • Remoting
  • Web Services
  • Spring Security
  • JMS

Day 1 - Spring Framework basics

  • Introducing the lightweight container architecture and Spring Application Context
  • How Dependency Injection and Test - Driven Development allows you to develop structured, flexible applications that are easy to test
  • How Spring helps you write better, more cohesive code, with a discussion of relevant object-oriented design patterns
  • Hands-on exercises based on a realistic business case, there is a general case in the exercise

Day 2 - Effective Middle-Tier Architecture

  • Pragmatic Spring Aspect - Oriented Programming in the middle-tier, with examples and without buzzwords
  • Effective persistence: how to build a persistence layer with Spring best practices
  • Analysis and tradeoffs of relevant persistence strategies, including Hibernate and Spring JDBC
  • Transaction management with Spring at the service layer
  • Middle- tier unit and integration test strategies

Day 3 - Implementing Enterprise Information Connectivity

  • Understanding ORM and Hibernate with Spring
  • An overview of Spring Web MVC , Spring JavaScript , Spring Web Flow and Spring Faces
  • Configuring Spring -managed services for remoting without code
  • Designing contract - first web services with Spring Web Services

Day 4 - Integration with Enterprise Services

  • Understanding Spring Security and role - based access
  • Spring JMX
  • Configuring Message - Driven POJOs with Spring JMS
  • Understanding SpringSource Enterprise Solutions





Helsinki - more details TBA

4 days, every day from 9:00 to 17:00


19.000 DKK + VAT. Course materials and course meals are included.

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